Simply Said Live to Give
Simply Said Live to Give, is proud to partner with United Through Reading®  in support of military personnel and their families.

Simply Said invites you to honor military families by participating in this giving campaign. Funds raised will go directly to United Through Reading program support. Your donation will have a profound impact on military families:

“United Through Reading filled a communication void with my two-year old son. He interacted with the video of me reading, and my wife reported back on the parts of the story that he responded to and what he said. I felt like I was having a dialogue with him that I couldn't have had by any other means.” 
~Deployed parent, United States Marine Corps 

A dialogue with a child might be taken for granted by parents who come home from work each night. But such conversations become small miracles for parents who are halfway around the world. On the other side of the world, they bring comfort and joy to young children who miss Mom or Dad. Instantly, that child’s hero is in the room, reading a familiar story, using funny voices, and pointing to the illustrations. It feels like they are together again. And for that moment, they are.

If you are interested in the United Through Reading program, please  click on the Donate Now tab on the left, and give what you can.
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United Through Reading is the recipient of the 2013-2014 Simply Said Live to Give Foundation!

For each design purchased from the Live to Give section of the catalog, Simply Said will donate a portion of the sales to United Through Reading.